H.E. The Ambassador Yaqoub Yousef Alateeqi hosted a farewell reception on 15/2/2014 for outgoing Palestine Ambassador Dr.Anver Al Agha . The Diplomatic Community in Colombo were present at the reception along with many other distinguished guests.
After the reception H E The Ambassador Yaqoub Yousef Al Ateeqi held a friendly discussion with out going Palestine Ambassador H,E,Dr.Anver Al Agha.
During the discussion H E The Ambassador Yaqoub Yousef Al Ateeqi appreciated the efforts and outstanding contribution Ambassador Dr. Agha has made in promoting Kuwait –Palestine relations and friendship .
The outgoing Ambassador profusely thanked the HE The Ambassador of Kuwait Yaqoub Yousef Al Ateeqi and the Embassy of Kuwait in Colombo for the cooperation extended to him and its continued support for Palestine.